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Wallington County Grammar School

100 Club

The 100 Club is a simple way for us to raise money in which parents and friends of the school subscribe £36.00 a year and in turn can benefit through a monthly prize draw.

Each month there is a £50.00 cash prize and every July and December there is an additional £50.00 prize draw.

To join the 100 Club you just need to complete the application form and return it to the PTFA at the school address. You can enter as many times as you wish and each entry will qualify for the draw.

We can’t promise to make you a millionaire – But the odds are certainly better than the lottery!

Please help us to make school fundraising easy.

Thank you for your support!

Download the 100 Club Application Form, fill it in and return it to the school reception. Alternatively please email the Treasurer at  to request a hard copy version of the form.

Please note that entry to the 100 Club is only open to members of the WCGS PTFA.